Traditional education and modern education are two different ways of promoting knowledge. Basically education is delivery of knowledge or gain fruitful knowledge and information. From ancient times till the world of today ,everything has changes ,similarly education sector is having number of variations in it that never felt before. Modern world is promoting education in a complete different way. Its not like the content and syllabus has been changes ,actually the way of teaching, the demonstration and lectures method also has been changed. If we compare the education system of today with the world in past we can see that now the things are more modernized and more complicated. In old times it was very easy in education system. For example many student in a form of class sit together, listen to their teacher, recite the lesson ,memorize it well and the process is complete. It was all about oral learning but now the focus is on skills and practical work with the help of equipment , gadgets and some tools.
So, in this article we will discuss about the difference of education in two ages as well as the comparison between the education of past and modern world now.
Some of the differences and contrasts are discussed below:


In old time the education was not on logical basis. It was mostly centred about discussion. Students it together, learn a thing or discuss on it.that’s well. But now the learning is all about logical analysis. For example in past people were concerned about moon and sun or its effects but no meaningful knowledge they could extract from discussion but in the world of today ,all these questions are answered by scientist and researches are done on evidence basis or after complete we an say that education of today is well defined and more authentic.


In ancient time the knowledge that is delivered by teachers or educated people is more theoretical. There is no practical demonstration of the things they are talking about while today everything is leaned by implement it practically. For example in old times if students learn about computer , they do not know how this work or how it actually looks. People did not know its use and functioning. All knowledge is theoretical or like cramming but if we compare it with today then the students are properly getting computer classes in a good lab where there are numbers of computers available to learn skill and practical knowledge where the students are taught about everything that how we can use it and which functions can be performed through it.


Scholars of today consumed a lots of time in extra activities, for example they stay busy for a long time in seminar or conferences on different topic where they present on slides and talking about different things. Sometimes the foolish talks are more than the useful and productive talks but if we talk about the researcher of old times, then they were more wise and participated only in productive session to save time.


Textbook vs slides means there is a huge difference between the ways of delivering knowledge. In old times the only helping material or source of knowledge was text book. Teachers read lesson from books and students also used to memorize from the book but in modern world the place of textbook was taken by slides or presentation system. In textbook every thing is well defined with more details ,in contrast slides are not very detailed but to the point ,short and more important things are on them. Unfortunately textbook time is being missed because it was the best way of delivering knowledge. Slides system make students lazy and they learn very limited knowledge with less examples ,as everything in slides is discussed very briefly not in detail.


In the world of nowadays the technology is more involved in studies or education. If we compare it with old times then on the name of help ,you could only get help from your teachers or hardly from a helping book where the questions are solved. But now the technology is making it very easier for students as students to seek help just use internet .there are several search engines. People put their question in these search engine and in no time the whole answer with all information is displayed. Technology has its pros and cons both. For example it can be helpful for students if use for healthy searches but many students start it misuse that can be unfortunate for students and their parents as well.


There is a huge difference of fee in education of today and in past. In old times there were no corruption on the name education but in today the people are worries about their educational dues. In government sector people are not satisfied with the quality of education and when the people want to continue their education in private sector then educational dues can not be meet . unfortunately people are unable to meet their expectations . The school owners of private sector are wearing blindfold and instead of showing sincerity they are just exploiting the condition and making people fool on the name of quality education.


In old times students rarely take participate in researches or such activities. Only specific researcher or teachers used to participate in research activities. Now more and more students are becoming part of researches. Almost every institute is conducting researches and their students are involved in it. On the name of thesis almost every student is doing group research or individually. In a postgraduate degree, thesis or research is a mandatory part. It is suggested that government should help students in providing research platform and all the resources and good environment where they can conduct researches or surveys to find out the result of their topics.

SO, in this article some of the contrasts between education in modern times and in old times were discussed. The main thing is how to promote quality education and good or healthy education to students. Everything has its pros and cons but if we are having facilities in this modern world then use it in a good way for a good purpose.


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