Women counts for more than half population of the world. Everyone is well aware about the major role a woman can play in making a society. Women education should be given priority and everyone should pay attention toward it. Unfortunately still in some countries of the world women are consider inferior and they do not enjoy their basic human right. For any individual either a man or women education is one of the basic and important right and nobody should snatch this from the women. A women should be financially strong and mentally peaceful ,and thus can happen if women are able to get their desire education and meet their goals. Women literacy rate is lower than men because in some countries people think that men have to run their homes so they try their best to give men the higher education while after passing primary or matric women face restrictions by their elder.
Some women complete their matriculation but due to lack of interest by their elders or lack of resources they quit their education. Lack of trust on women can also be a reason. It may be due to several reason and in this article we are discussing the major obstacles or hindrance that stop women from getting higher education. This article will emphasize on the necessity of education for a woman.
A woman should be financially stable. They should get enough education that they can meet with their own needs. When they remain dependent on their father or bother and later on their husbands and every time they ask them money for their needs, they feel their self esteem shattered and loss of self respect too. They start feeling them inferior and totally dependent. In some cases women start feeling themselves burden on their family members. If they have to buy new clothes or for any expenses they have to ask money from their guardian. So, if women is financially stable then they could be independent and can enjoy good status in society, earn their own money and they feel their self esteem safe.EDUCATION BUILDS CONFIDENCE IN WOMEN:
Education is a tool that gives a woman confidence.when a woman is educated and know about everything,she may not feel difficulty in standing things when she goes out . she feel confident in doing every thing because she have all the knowledge about all the particular things. They don’t feel themselves embarrassed. If they are sitting among few people and there is some debate going on then they don’t feel inferior just because they are not aware about the topic, by adding their words too in deb ate they feel confident enough that everyone is equal in knowledge and can play their part in discussion. If they goes out ,they can pay their bills ,or know how to use their cards .these points look very small but actually these little things can give a woman all the confidence she needs.Standard of Living:
Female education improves and positive;y enhance the standard of living. A family relying more than one earner leads to a more stable ,easy, satisfied and happy family as compared to a family that relies on a single man income and then the whole family depend on him for its survival,so its better that both parent earn equally and help their children or other family members to enjoy good societal status.An educated and financially stable women’s family earns equal pay as the male members and there is no inferiority complex and there is no burden over one man to fulfil the need of the rest of family member. One earner and the rest of eaters make a very imbalance combination in the world of today where everything is becoming expensive. Everyone earning either men or women in family make a family happy and satisfy and it aids and elevates the family’s financial needs and then it ultimately improves the standard of the family. Two incomes in same house from both men and women improve the quality of living and it emphasize the importance of female education in the family and society.
Ancient times there was a concept that men earns while working outside and women play their role in house making for example, men go outside to earn his bread and butter for family and women while staying indoor makes food or clean house, there was no concept of women working outside to play their role in building economy but now this is modern era. Both men and women work in same fields and earn equally either in government sector or private sector. Now women are almost in every field even in airlines, arm forces, medical fields or teaching fields. Every department have equal ratio of men and women in developed countries. This helps in building a strong economy of a country.HOW TO PROMOTE WOMEN EDUCATION:
Women Education and how we can promote this concept.In a developing country like India and Pakistan, awareness begins at home and the rural sections of the society should be given educational session about the need of literate women. Awareness campaign of the importance of female education in different rural area and villages leads to a positive aspect to women’s education.
the construction of schools, academy, healthcare centers, and other facilities at shorter distances diminishes the fear among people for sending their daughters to far off area for the purpose of education. Also, proper security for women, strict actions and laws, and impose strict punishment against the criminals involve in harassment of women helps in improving the ratio of women education.
A successful and educated women when becomes a mother, she play an important role in making their children a good,noble and well mannered civilian that know their responsibility . a successful women makes a society worth living by her wisdom and sense.
SO, we can conclude that states or countries that emphasize on women education are more happier, more satisfied and are with more stable economy. People of these countries are content with their lifestyles. Nobody is dependent on others and there is no inferiority complex seen among people. Everyone recognizes their status in society and play equal role in making their country and families prosperous. .