It seems very simple to know for parents whether their children are making progress in education or not. The most easiest way to check this parameter is the school report or result but its merely a superficial report and many parents can not know about their children for so long until it become so late that their children are not performing well in studies. In some cases students are performing well enough but due to lack of parents interest and role in their education ,extra talent or hidden potential in children can get ignored. Children at a very young age actually spend lots of hours in schools. In this time period they are not in front of their parent’s eyes so to judge their progress without taking special interest is not possible.
In this article we will discuss about some of the parameters through which parents can easily estimate that if their children in schools are merely spending long hours in schools without any productive progress or they are actually good in studies. Some of the fields where parent’s interest is required in their children’s education are discussed below:
Parents can take part while the child is doing his home work. While this you can easily judge if the student is doing well without any hesitation or problem or something is making him stressed and he can not understand various things. May students who do good in schools can easily done their homework in a very happy mood. They do not stuck on the same thing. So you should notice the behavior and punctuality or regularity of you kid while he is doing his home work.CHECK CLASS WORK:
Parents should be responsible enough to check the class work of their children regularly and see what mistakes the student is making most and what is his performance. Mostly teachers while checking class work leave remarks or highlight the mistakes . you can check those mistakes and can judge that how good your children are getting what is taught in school and their performance as well. So parents should have a check on notebooks regularly for assessment of their children.
Almost after a week or twice parents can contact teachers or school authorities to give details about the student whether his performance is good or not. Many times teachers invite the parents but they do not come due to their personal reasons or busy schedule. That is a huge mistake mostly by parents. You should must attend the parent teacher meetings and should listen details about your children and his behaviour. Check their files regularly and their performance in tests. Ask everything from teachers and if there is any complain then instead of becoming offended try to figure out solution because it is very critical issue. Parents are equally responsible for students performance as teachers are.MAKE SURE YOUR CHILDREN ARE READY TO LEARN:
Parents should check the behavior of their children if they are ready to learn or not. For example many children have developed a bad habit of late night sleep and then they do not rise early on time of school. Then the sleepy faces wake and go to school and stay sleepy all day. This stresses their mind and create difficulty in understanding even simple things. Similarly when mobile phones or televisions are in use for long hour this can make children lazy and less in a mood of learning. Sometimes this is not the weakness of mind that is the reason of their bad performance in test, actually parents need to change their habits and bring several changes in lifestyle.COLLECT PUNCTUALITY REPORT FROM SCHOOLS:
Parents should make sure that the student is on time for school and leave the school on time for home too. You should know the timings so if there is any mismatch of timings parents can be alert about the behaviour of children and their activities. Parents should check the punctuality of their children regularly.SURPRISE TESTS:
Parents can take the surprise tests of their children to assess their performance. You can choose a chapter that school has done with and ask your children to write down several question or can ask to read them properly. You can judge by the performance if he is doing good or is totally wring in attempting questions. Surprise tests can be a best tool to judge the performance of students for parents at home.HELP IN ASSIGNMENTS:
You can ask your children to help them in making assignments on time .During this activity you can observe the attitude and interest or even mood of your children. While making assignment you can ask some course related questions to the students and parents can judge if the student is able to answer these question or he is totally ignorant from studies.PREPARE THEM FOR SCHOOL TESTS:
Prepare your children well for the test and you should must know about the date of test . when you are done with preparation and the test report has been confirmed. You can assess the marks of your children with the level of preparation . it can make it clear for you whether the student is performing well or his knowledge is for short time period and if it is just cramming or conceptual knowledge. You can easily estimate about the performance of student in tests conducted in class daily or by checking their notebooks with the remarks given by teacher.SO, we discusses some of the basic important tools and things that can be helpful for the parents to judge the performance of their children if they are doing good in education or making progress or not. Parents are equally responsible as teachers are. Students with the proper attention and participation of parents in their study perform more well as compare to the students whose parents think that schools are enough to judge the progress. It is suggested to all the parents that be kind to your children and with the polite nature help them in studies and arrange a very balanced schedule for students or daily time table with the proper intervals for recreational activities too,