The use of sweet or dessert is tremendously increasing by each passing day. It is noticeable that on each and every occasion , on the eve of Eid and Christmas ,even on the birth of a baby ,any wedding festival the most essential and necessary thing in menu is sweet.
In houses when
come over they are being served with anything sweet that shows love. Sweets sometimes shows people love for each other and is considered as a symbol of happiness on every celebration.
Many countries are there in world that consume sweet or sugar more than anything else and these countries are therefore named as countries that have sweet tooth for example, china ,japan, turkey , Spain or in ASIA Pakistan and India.
There are thousands of recipes available on the internet about the favourite dessert of the people and people love to make them. Even in some houses this is considered necessary to at least have one sweet dish at the end of main course to kill the craving and to feel happy and fresh.
While there are thousands of sweets ,dessert ,candies and sugary dishes that is everyone's favourite but in this article we will discuss some most used sweets or dessert in the world that are used widely all around the world.
Who does not love chocolate , we all are in love with this delicious thing to eat that exist in this world. Chocolates are among the most used sweet things in entire world. The use of chocolate is increasing by each passing day , it is not only that people eat chocolate simply ,they have started to eat chocolate with cookies, doughnuts, cakes and what not. Even if we ask people to survive on one thing for the rest of their life then without any second question some people will choose chocolate over anything else for their survival.
If we talk about the cost of chocolates then those countries which are manufacturers of the chocolates have lower cost as compared to those which import chocolates.
Gulab jamun is the most famous dish of the world in the list of sweet items. Although in the beginning it was famous among Asian countries but with the passage of time it started making its value even in other countries. People love to celebrate their happiness with gulab jamun. Some people have sweet tooth active even on the name of gulab jamun. Many people love to make gulab jamun at their homes so they can have very fresh and hot gulab jamun to satisfy the craving of their sweet tooth.
This yummy dessert is made by flour,dry milk ,egg and then dipped in sugar syrup. This is deep fried item. If we talk about its calorie count then it gives you extra calories count and if you use it more often then ultimately you will gain weight. Now the decision is your ,you have to bear the consequences or should set the limit.
Custard or pudding is worldwide famous dessert and is considered best for those with sweet tooth to kill their cravings. Custard or pudding is mostly used on birthdays or if any guests invited over home. This dessert is made by milk and corn floor and flavour of your taste. While pudding is made of eggs and sugar in milk and if you love to have caramel sauce on its topping then its amazing.
Pudding is considered one of the easiest recipe to make any dessert.
Brownies is most loved dish among children and adults equally. Either it’s a simple brownie or fudge brownie it has no competition. At the end only taste matters and brownie is perfect for those who have sweet tooth.With only few ingredients you can bake these fudge chocolicious brownies, and, if you want to serve with a scoop of your favourite ice cream of any flavour specially strawberry or vanilla, then stop that the end , what a satisfactory feeling you can have!you can add some variation in recipe ,for example according to your taste you can make it more sweeter or less ,all depends upon you. While baking cakes and brownies you can add choco chips, wall nuts, dry fruits or whatever you like, just put some sprinkle and here you go .there is no way back if you love cakes and brownies.
Everything has its limit ,yes we love sweet or dessert but our health comes first than any cravings , so give it your priority.
Try to cut sugar from you diet. You should need to know the nutritional values of your meal. Go and plan your meals in a good and healthy way. Reduce the use of sugar as much as possible because its bad for health . there are some tips and products ,by using them you can feel your cravings satisfy and they will help you to cut down extra sweet.
Use natural sweet instead of white sugary products, you can add fruits in your meals to have satisfaction e.g apply ,banana or if you want to freeze your fruits in the form of ice lolly ,it will be a good alternate of ice cream.
Use cinnamon .
Eat more protein or you should increase the protein portion of your meals, natural fibers will help you to feel less about sweet cravings.
Drink plenty of water to feel full.
Set a schedule that if you will not eat any unhealthy sweet whole day then at the end you will be rewarded with one chocolate or something else you want and then gradually decrease your reward so you can be habitual of healthy lifestyle
You can have one cheat meal if you followed your healthy diet plan for the whole week.
So this article was about world famous sweet dishes that people with sweet tooth loves to eat and then few tips about how to control their cravings.