Title of this article is enough to demonstrate the sentiments of so many people toward the struggle of having a clear and brighter skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body and plays major role in many body functions e.g thermoregulation , sensitivity and many others.every individual have its own skin colour that may vary from the other individuals. Every one have different skin texture. Some have oily skin ,some people have dry skin. It all vary from person to person. Skin is considered the major organ that effects a persons appearance. Skin condition are different. Some people who have darker skin colour and if they have pigmentation or scars ,they feel inferiority complex but one thing that must be keep in mind is that every skin colour is beautiful and these complexes should be discouraged. All a person needs is to care their skin better in order to have clears kin without the scars,wrinkles at the very young age, pigmentation and some marks due to deficiency of important vitamins and nutrients e.g calcium deficiency leaves a scar on face.

Photo by Polina Kovaleva

In this article, we will discuss the important tips and secret behind having a clear and glowing skin one by one.
This part of skin care routine have its own should keep moisturizing his/her skin on daily basis in order to have a smooth skin. Many people when they visit their dermatologist,they complain of having cracky and dry skin .this is because they neglect this important step of moisturizing their skin daily. Due to moisturizing your skin you can have a neat and clear skin because moisture helps you in removing dirt or dust particles inside the pores of your skin and would ultimately stop the growth of bacteria .this eventually prevent you from having acne ,dry skin and crack y appearance of your skin. For moisturizing your skin you don’t need any expensive creams or moisturizers ,you can simply use any moisturizer or even your can have petroleum jelly in order to moisturize your skin . best time to moisturize your skin is after you wash your face in the morning.
Wash your face with lukewarm water each morning.:
 You should Make sure the water is warm and it is not hot more than the level of tolerance, as this can strip your face of natural oils that are essential for skin. You may want to try one of the simplest DIY remedies before buying those beauty creams that is attracted by people due to their publicity and fake promises, instead of wasting your money you should definitely try this most easiest tip in order to have a clear skin. Washing your face is a definitely effective way to clear your skin from the dirt that is stuck in your skin pores. If one is having dirt or dust and bacteria in his/her skin, warm water will open their pores, making it easier to clean the harmful dusty and messy particles out. Using a face towel or soft cotton tissue after washing your face with Luke warm water. The water should be hot, but not so hot that it cause burn or redness to your skin and if it is causing any pain to apply on your face.
You should must keep yourself hydrated if you really want to have a good and clean skin. It is not possible to achieve your goal of having clear skin if you are not having a good intake of water. Water do miracles when we check its association with clear skin. Due to keeping yourself hydrated, your skin looks fresh and it has its own natural glow.if you want to have shine and glow on your skin you must keep you self hydrated and should drink more and more water. One should drink about 16 glasses of water daily. This will not only brighten or give you smooth and neat skin but it also gives you other health benefits too.
    Its human nature to irritate or annoy their skin if they have any abnormality seen on their skin for example if they are having any pimple on their skin, people will start scratching it and think it will help them out in order to get rid of this unwanted pimple on their face.
    Don't irritate your pimples if you have any. Although popping them or killing them can make you comfortable and makes you feel good, you may have the risk of permanent scarring if it leaves the mark on your skin due to the fluid coming out from inside the pimple. Some other remedies methods like moisturizing or proper care are much safer options.
    You should Never use herbal products before or after using any chemical creams or those products having strong chemical agents e.g  cleansers, moisturizers or scrubs even those face masks that claim to have soothing effect on your skin. It may causes the skin to burn and itch and obviously it will make you irritated and burning sensation to your skin..
    Don't use makeup or any cosmetic products that claims full coverage to the face , like foundation or even concealer. Foundation entrap  bacteria and ultimately may result in acne vulgaris ,small pustules that are fluid filled on your skin and pimples. Besides, in order to have a clear skin you must have to reduce the use of cosmetics or any foreign strong chemical agents that give your skin tough time and mismatch with the original texture of the skin.!
     When you pop up your pimple ,its fluid from inside comes out and spread to other area of skin and cause pimple to come here too next time, so stop this immediately if you are the one who always pop up the pimples whenever this uninvited guest comes to your skin every time.
Major mistake people do is that if they come from a function at night, due to laziness or what but they don’t remove the makeup from their face , ultimately it cause the chemicals to react on skin and leaves acne or pimples on the skin. So one important skin care tip is to remove the makeup appropriately from their face by the use of wet wipes and clean their face completely. Then with a good face wash should be applied on the skin gently and them wash it with cold water.
These tips will give the soothing effect to your skin and helps everyone to have clear skin.

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