In old time the concept of beauty was all about the inner beauty of a soul but in modern world as people are becoming materialistic similarly their beauty standards have been changed and they have started counting latest fashion and adopt it on the name of becoming modern and beautiful. Latest technology is all successful in making people attracted toward what the world is having on the name of fashion in more recent times.
In this article we will discuss what are latest fashion categories in the world that people adopt and considered themselves as the icon of beauty.
Dressing and beauty are linked with each other in this modern world. People are so busy in making cloths of latest trends and try to keep themselves up to date. For example in Asia or east if any actress is wearing long shirt with trouser ,the rest of the people start following this trend of clothing on the name of latest fashion and to look more beautiful than others. People try to keep themselves according to latest fashion.
Women participate more in this race of beauty.
Unfortunately this parameter is so overrated. People specially women think that beauty lies in white colour specially in ASIA people measure the beauty standards according to the colour of their skin. White complexion is considered more accurate on the scale of beauty. Dark skin colour is considered less beautiful. For staying in race, people are now using odd ways to get their skin colour fair and light. People go to have injections in their skin just because they want to compete the world in the race of colors associated beauty. People taunt others who have darker complexion and skin tone. While in old times, all colors were considered equal and no one is thought to be superior than others at least on the base of colors..
Confidence is a jewel that beautiful women wear. In old times women were considered week and not enough confident. Women were considered fragile and less strong as compare to man and the main reason was lack of confidence. In the modern times women are more stronger, they are more bold and they are more confident. They know their worth and importance. They know their value that’s why now they are more kind, up to date and more confidence. They wear confidence as they are wearing crown.
Be willing to dare greatly in life. It takes courage and strength to love fully, to change yourself when necessary and have some flexibility so you can become what you need according to the demand of time, to feel deeply, to leave love and attachment when it's scary and harmful for the mental peace and to chase your dreams with passion and courage .
You should know that if you want to become more courageous you must do courageous and powerful things. You should must keep this in your mind that it is not the loudness of your words but the depth of your character or inner soul, to keep going your life and circumstances, which makes you sufficient and thrive.
Beauty in fashion is nowadays given priority over anything. Women are in the race of getting beautiful by adopting every fashion as soon as possible. If they see their inspiration or ideal actress with short hair, those who are in their house will consider this option just to look modern and beautiful.from hair to cloth and even shoe wear everything is becoming a new trend with each passing day. Online shopping has made it all so easy that women see their favourite articles and order it for themselves,so the modern world is making them not only beautiful but independent too.
Intelligence is about knowledge and wisdom, but even more so about all the feelings and emotions. In being aware of your emotional circumstances and the patterns of your feelings you have the flexibility to handle all the tasks either if they are difficult or the challenge and change, allow you to try smart solutions of your big problems.
With a well-rounded wisdom and intelligence you can carry yourself in a beautiful and unafraid manner. You are safe while knowing the fact that there can be a multitude of choices you can avail in your life, that’s why there is no need to be impulsive or reactive. In being emotionally intelligent and heartfelt in every matter you have the ability and courage to keep your eyes open on the bigger picture turning all the hindrance and obstacles into a lot of opportunities.
Humble behaviour:
Life isn't all about you and you should not be so selfish, in fact, you sometimes need to cherish for others and should prefer to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of others just like you are celebrating your own. You should proud of who you are because of your achievement and should work for healthy competition with others and have no need to add histrionics to your goals ,achievement, accomplishment or your success.
Most of the time you should stay in the background working hard for the success and for achievement of your aims. work hard and allow your success speak for your dedication toward your work.
So these were some beauty parameters or the need of today's world that are considered to compete the world but many can disagree with them because these standards sometimes seems overrated ,for example in the name of fashion we are spreading wrong deed and vulgarity, on the name of competition we are deteriorating the mental health of many people specially the young girls who start feeling themselves inferior if they don’t have modern clothes or beauty tools .some ill parameters of beauty is destroying the health of many other people so we should work toward healthy beauty parameters instead of staying In race to compete the world.